Monday, May 18, 2009

My Baby Daddy

Yes, the title of this post refers to the father of my child, but I chose to label it with some slang. I'm choosing to have a little humor in this whole hormonal roller coaster game that they call pregnancy. Now back to the reason I started this post...

I have subscribed to a few fun blogs that I've found or friends have alerted me to. I recently found this post and really wanted to order the item until I realized that the baby will probably grow out of it before I can even count out $26. And plus, that's just outrageous.

Check it out...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love it! A friend gave us a onesie with "nerdling" emblazoned on the front. We loved it and Emma wore it for months. (And actually, it spawned the title for Tommy's blog.)