Saturday, January 10, 2009

itty bitty news

Well, I guess that you could say it's big news in a small package...I'm pregnant! 4 months to be exact, and boy does news travel slowly. I think that we are still asking around "have you heard yet?" That's okay, it's always exciting to tell friends and family.

My due date is June 28th and we are totally excited. We have a LOT to do in the meantime to get ready for this baby. First thing on the list is finding a place to move. We already started working on that and decided to give it a rest.

My clothes are definitely not fitting as they used to (let's not say what they really are), and my sweet coworker has decided to make a bet that I'm having a boy because I'm already so, yes, she called me the b-word...big. Or did she use huge? I really haven't grown that much yet, so I thankfully did not take it to heart. I love her anyway.

John has also been very gracious and dealt with my "pregnancy tantrums" as he likes to call them. The sad thing is that when he tells me what I said, I have no clue that I said that or sounded that way. Luckily, I don't catch him laughing at me either.

All this to say, we are very excited and would be thankful for your prayers and encouragement over the next few months. Just the other night, we had an appointment with the doctor and got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was honestly one of the most amazing things that either of us had ever heard. Life, what a truly amazing gift.

1 comment:

Our Family said...

Oh my gosh! That's so awesome.. We have to skype soon so I can see you! I hope everything is going smoothly.