Monday, January 3, 2011

Lillie language

In the past few weeks Lillie's vocabulary has really blossomed. We are having a lot of fun realizing that she has learned a new word. I'm not really sure if these words are common first words for children, but they're word/things that Lillie comes across a lot and, thus, has learned how to express her favor for them.


"tee?!" or "pee" please
"dit-dee!" thank you
"mowa?!" more
"shheeewwwss" shoes
"pri-ey" pretty
"ball-ball" ball
"ah-pull" apple
"goo-kee" Cookie Monster
"op!" up

Of course, no matter how much I encourage her to say dog she still uses "arf" for dog. Who would want to say the word when they could just make the noise?

1 comment:

Our Family said...

That's so cute about dog!