Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A bit confused

A while back we rushed out to get a hat and gloves for Lillie because we thought that the cold weather had finally set in. This family can't go without our wagon walks.

Lillie might be a true Philly winter girl (I guess it is all she has ever known)because she doesn't understand this Florida climate. One warm Sunday afternoon we were all heading out the door for a walk and she ran to the closet saying "eh, eh, eh" and pointing to her hat and gloves. And there was no coaxing to be had.

John couldn't help but laugh.

We ended up outside with our child dressed like this...

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So cute. Anna Kate keeps saying, "I love (wuv) Lily" "I want to talk to her." :D Maybe someday!

Miss you guys. Hope you're doing well!