Thursday, May 6, 2010

10 months

Lillie is 10 months old. No kidding. It's such a reality check to me. I'm becoming as sentimental as they get too. Who knew that packing up clothes that my baby had grown out of would be so hard. That's only the beginning of it. She makes life so much more fun (and scary too).

At 10 months, Lillie:

-is quite animated with her faces. Sometimes she just sticks her tongue out because she realized it was there. Other times she squints her eyes and scrunches her nose to smile at someone.

is cruising and standing on her own, especially when she has important things in her hands.

absolutely loves making friends...big or small. Although she got quite scared of a man at church once she realized what his beard felt like.

has 8 teeth...still.

loves all things dairy...mama's milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. She has a love/hate relationship with veggies. Sometimes she's an independent eater and won't allow me to feed her and other times I have to coach her one bite at a time.

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