Craigslist and I have developed a love-hate relationship recently. We've been searching for a larger place to live basically since we found out I was pregnant, but have become more and more desperate as time passes.
Well, as far as good ole' Craig goes. He may be good for some people, but he's a as good as a fat liar to me at this point. I knew that we shouldn't have trusted him. Everyone said, "oh we found our place on Craigslist." There are anywhere from 500-1000 listings a DAY for the Phila area, so how could we not find something. Oh, I'll tell you why. Every "lead" has turned into either someone else signing the lease right before us or some Rev. so-and-so scammer who is doing missionary work in Africa and will FedEx the house key to us as soon as we send them our "refundable" deposit. The second scammer was pretty believable, but luckily I'm too cheap to give anybody money without getting something out of it.
Maybe John and I should just tape "Craigslist Losers" to our foreheads for the next place we see...